We are inspired by the generations before us who fought against the odds to obtain basic rights for individuals that we all use and appreciate today — regardless of sex, politics, religion, or race. We are the same pro-choice majority that achieved important milestones that cannot be taken for granted, including the right to:

*marry who you want, regardless of skin color, in 1967
*use birth control, regardless of marital status, in 1972,
*choose whether to have an abortion, in 1973,
*obtain a credit card without spousal consent or title, in 1974,
*serve on a jury, in 1975,
*keep your job while pregnant, in 1978,
*take legal action against workplace sexual harassment, in 1980,
*decide not to have sex with your spouse, in 1993 (yes, marital rape did not become a crime in all 50 states until 1993)
*obtain health insurance at the same monetary rates as men, in 2010,
*marry who you want, regardless of sex, in 2015.